Animal Control
Animal control
The current year dog licenses are in. This is a reminder that it is time to come in and license your dog. The fee is $7.00 for a neutered or spayed pet, or $10.00 for an un-neutered or un-spayed pet.
All dogs must by licensed by July 1. Any dogs unlicensed after July 1 will be charged a late fee of $25.00 per dog. Owners may also be subject to legal action for failure to license dogs.
If you are unable to come to the Town Hall to obtain your license, print this online form, and send it with a stamped, self-addressed envelope along with your check (payable to the Town of Rochester), and the license will be mailed to you.
Animal Control Department
29 Dexter Lane (P.O. Box 9)
Rochester, MA 02770
On-call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
Anne Estabrook, Animal Control Officer
This department handles animal issues pertaining to stray/loose/nuisance dogs, dog bites, loose livestock, rabid animals, and other animal complaints. The department also conducts animal and barn inspections in compliance with Massachusetts General Laws. Animal Control Officers are on-call only and can be reached through the Rochester Police Department.
The department does not handle problem wildlife such as raccoons in chimneys, woodchucks in gardens, or wildlife inside your home. Please refer those calls to Exterminators or Problem Animal Control Agents that can be found in the yellow pages of your phone book.
Lost/Found Animals
If you have lost an animal, call the Animal Control Department at 508-763-5112 and provide a description and the last known location of your animal. If you find an animal, you should report it immediately to the Animal Control Department so that the owner can be located promptly.
Rabid Animals
If you see an animal that you believe may be rabid, call to report the location of the animal. Do not try to touch or capture the animal because it may attempt to bite you. Animals with rabies usually show some type of behavioral change. They can be aggressive and excited or depressed and lethargic. They may be uncoordinated and unfocused on the presence of humans around them.
The most common types of wildlife that may carry the rabies virus are raccoons, foxes, and bats. These animals, which normally avoid humans, are nocturnal and it is unusual for them to be active during daylight hours. If you see a racoon, fox, or bat during daylight hours and it appears to be sick or is aggressive toward other animals or humans, move to a safe location and call immediately.
Dog Bites
If a dog bites you, report the incident to Animal Control through the Rochester Police Department. An animal control officer will investigate, and the animal's owner will be required to show proof of rabies vaccination. In addition, any dog that has bitten someone is required to undergo quarantine at the owner's home.
The current year dog licenses are in.